Problem Statements

You are welcome to create innovative solutions in the following areas.

IoT based Perimeter Security

The concept of securing the perimeter around us, is a practice started from ancient times! Perimeter security, is simple terms is to protect one’s boundaries and belongings from intruders or to keep captives contained. Whilst animals have their own instincts to protect their territory boundaries like leaving their marks or using their Pheromones, the concept of perimeter security controls in humans might have started right from when they started possessing land, belongings or other fellow beings!

Human methods for perimeter security started with crude forms like building rock walls and digging dungeons, got evolved massively catering to the pace of which the humankind developed! However, the recent technology boom has changed the phase of perimeter security considerations massively. From persons, barriers and fences, we’ve advanced much in this domain with the help of technology!

Introduction and use of IoT in securing our perimeters was a phase changer –this has opened up a whole new world of designing and implementing efficient and effective security controls to protect our homes, offices, containment areas, sensitive locations and belongings!

We from Cyberdome understand the importance of IoT based controls in Perimeter Security and use it in our daily activities. Even though we have efficient systems now, we feel we still have a huge room for improvement in this area! At Hac'KP, we invite your creative yet practical ideas to better polish IoT based perimeter security solutions. This can be (i) enhancements to the current solutions or (ii)can be a whole new idea that can help the Police department to enhance their efficiency.

We need your ideas and prototypes to encapsulate the following, but not limited to,

1. Helps the Police department to serve the society effectively.
2. Demonstrate immunity and self-healing capabilities from malicious activities, and
3. should cover the entire life cycle of perimeter security (based on IoT) that includes (i) presence detection (ii) identification and verification (iii) data base of collected information (iv) actions based on the learnings (v) predictions to help the future.

Automated Malware Analysis Tool for Mobile Apps

Build or implement a tool that can be used to detect mobile application malware and applications that have backdoors.

It’s rare to see people who do not use a mobile device these days. Its rise in popularity over the past years has been largely due to its portability, high performance and the jam-packed features it offers in such a small device.

It’s hard to imagine how information sharing and communication would have evolved in a world without mobile devices. Innovators are developing new mobile devices with rapid evolution in hardware and software technologies. They’re becoming more complex as companies adhere to the performance needs of their users.

Even with multiple brands dominating market shares, only one thing has remained unchanged. The mobile operating systems used. Android and iOS are predominantly used by most companies. But like all information systems, mobile systems are not any less affected by malware attacks. We have seen various high-profile malware attacks over the past few years. Due to the amount of personal information a mobile device holds, malware detection is very important to ensure the protection of data and mitigate attacks.

This can be achieved only through malware detection and our aim is to develop a mobile malware detection tool that can be used to detect mobile application malware and applications that have backdoors.

Intelligent Log Analysis

Cybersecurity is now an every-day issue for Govt organization/companies. Websites get hacked every day and some of those hacks are fatal to businesses attacked. There is a drastic increase in the investigation of these type of cyber-crimes and has necessitated analysing the logs. This hackathon invites solutions for analysing all type of existing web server platforms such as apache, Nginx, Windows etc. using AI/ML/ any other statistical method to find out attack pattern, suspicious files or shell, attacker IPs etc

Proactive Monitoring on Darknet - Darknet Crawling

Dark Web, the evil twin of the internet, is popularly known for illegal activities. Unlike regular websites, the search engines are not indexing the dark web pages, making it harder to identify the existence. The anonymous nature of dark web sites would always be a challenge for law enforcement agencies. We are looking for a dark web profiling system that crawls the existing dark websites based on the keyword input. The inputs maybe something related to the site content or the chat content. The system should index all the possible dark web pages, authenticated and unauthenticated, onion service version 2 and version 3, along with the capability to get the website's snapshot. These details are required to be presented in a structured way with the filtering capability, like a dashboard that can be drilled down to the granular details. There should be an option to integrate this solution with a ticketing system like Service Now or Jira for better tracking. Also, a customized report needs to be exported based on the requirement. The system is required to be built with high security standards.

Smart Policing using AI & FR Technology

Policing is changing worldwide, So is the crimes. Police is in charge of public safety, and is responsible to handle all the challenges that come with that. In recent years, AI has become an integral part of policing globally. Crime prevention and detection are going trough transformations.

Effective face recognition system has a great potential in policing and can be deployed in investigation, forensics and crime prevention.

We look forward to innovative and practical implementation of AI and Face recognition which can prove beneficial for police to serve the society better

If you have any ideas that uses AI, computer vision or any statistical method which can be used effectively in crime prediction, detection and prevention do participate.

Predictive Policing using Bigdata Analysis

It is said that everything in the universe - big or small, follows some kind of regular or periodical pattern which indicates the existence of a rhythm. This is true with human behavior and resultant effects in the society as well. Similarly, it is proven that criminal activities show a pattern of rhythm and show predictable trends in relationship between common contributing societal factors.

Reliable prediction of possible law and order situation will be a boon to the Law and Order establishments to channelise their available resources in the most effective manner at the right place and time. Technology advancements in the field of big data analysis has enabled reliable modelling to predict and help prevent potential future crimes with the help of intelligent algorithms. Predictive policing uses these technologies to analyze large sets of data, including historical crime data and trends in societal factors to help decide where to deploy resources or to identify individuals who are purportedly more likely to commit or be a victim of a crime.

We are looking for innovative solutions which can be used by the Police to reliably predict and prevent potential criminal activities leveraging on big data analysis.

OSINT Analysis Platform for Effective Policing

The internet has an ocean of data which is free and available to everyone. These data, scattered over the internet, when collected and properly analysed can give a lot of insight to solve real-world problems.

They can also help police to make better-informed decisions.

OSINT or Open Source Intelligence involves collecting data from public and open sources for intelligence purposes. Data could be in the form of audio, video, image, text etc and maybe available from sources such as social media sites, public-facing servers, articles, newsletters, online discussion groups, blogs, code repositories etc.

As part of this Hackathon, we would like you to provide us with innovative solutions in this area of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). You would need to create a solution to fetch the complete information about a person when a username, phone number or any unique identifier is provided as the input. This information can be gathered from all available sources on the internet including dark web. These data so gathered should be analysed and correlated to predict possible future threats. In this, you can also include facial recognition and social media matching capabilities to derive meaningful insights. Alerting and ticketing capabilities should also be integrated into this.

As part of this Hackathon, we invite such innovative and thoughtful submissions in the above area that can bring a big change in the way we serve the public and can help in better policing.

Policing the Post-COVID World

The Covid-19 pandemic, as we all know, will redefine the life and lifestyles of people across the globe. It is beyond doubt that there is hardly any aspect in our day to day life that will be left unchanged in a post Covid-19 world. The same holds true with policing also. It is certain that police need to think beyond traditional policing and adapt with the changes and challenges cropping up at present and in the post-Covid 19 Scenario as well.

In a society struck by a deadly virus, strict maintenance of public order is most essential; so are the other aspects of day to day policing. In this new reality, Police are looking for solutions to overcome some of the challenges thrown up by the pandemic.

Hac'KP envisages to find technology based innovative solutions for the Police to deal with new challenges in maintaining law and order and to effectively manage day to day policing in the Post covid World.

All the best for you and your team in HackP.